
My Top 10 Book Recommendations For The Year 20-21

I am going to share My Top 10 Book Recommendations For The Year 20-21 with you and you must share the names of books that you wish to recommend in the comments section below.

Reading is the best thing I feel.

I have made a list of books that I plan to read this year. I am hoping to finish this list before August 2021.

Let’s get started.

1. Atomic Habit by James Clear

This book by James Clear tells us how small changes in habits can transform our life for the better. Most of us try to change our habits but we don’t know what’s the best way to do it. This book will definitely help you if you are trying to lose weight, get up early, go for a run everyday or if there is any other habit that you wish to change.

2. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

In this book David Allen introduces us to a system that allows stress free performance. Allen has drawn a positive relationship between relaxing and positivity. Only when our mind is free from clutter can we be productive and efficient.

3. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by McKeown

This book emphasises on getting only the really important things done instead of trying to get everything done. This book stressed on the importance of having less but the really important things. When you focus on your energy on things that really matters to you, you tend to take better care of those things. It’s about quality over quantity.

4. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

In this book Ayn Rand shares a set of principles that allows us to exploit our highest potential. Through this book Ayn Rand tries to prove to the reader how powerful our mind is and the amazing things it is capable of creating.

5. Immortality by Milan Kundera

In this book Milam Kundera helps us to find the real meaning of life. This is a book that a very good friend has recommended to me. I can’t wait to start this one.

6. Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie 

If you like books with fantasy and magic then this is the perfect pick for you. Honestly, I prefer books with real stories, but sometimes doing something other than what you are always doing can be a pleasant break. Hence, I have added this to my list of top 10 books that I wish to read this year.

7. Lead the Field by Earl Nightingale

This book has been recommended to me by a mentor. This one has to be good for sure. In this book Earl Nightingale emphasises that anyone can achieve success if they follow a set of common princliples. Success is not dependent on luck and fate.

8. Deep Work by Cal Newport

This book focuses on improving productivity by removing the distractions. By increasing productivity we can get a lot of work done and still have time for family and fun. I think I am going to start with this book. This might help me finsih the 10 books on my list in six months may be.

9. Stardust by Neil Gaiman

This is a beautiful love story and how a man surpasses all boundaries to get to his lover. This story tell us that true love is very powerful.

10. The Witch of Portobello by Paul Coelho

This book emphasises on the importance of being true to ourselves. This is a story about a mysterious woman Anthena, who is always very true to herself, even if she isn’t sure of what she really wants.


I believe that books have the power to change our mind, our habits, our actions and our lives. Make sure that you are reading something new each day. If you do this you will definitely notice a change in your behaviour and the overall life condition. This is my list for you. Please do share names of books that you want me to read in the comments section below.

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